"Our goal is to produce the best AR rifle style cleaning kit made by man, designed for the specialized needs of professionals protecting our country."
Like this one eyed stray cat Charlie, Ms. Clean has developed some experience from some lessons learned during a fight, and came out with a bit more character than we had going into it. The passion we have for our kit is rivaled only by the contempt and frustration we acquired for our issued gear. Trillions of dollars are being spent on expensive and seldom used machines like stealth bombers and nuclear submarines, while the troops on the ground who are using their rifles everyday are still issued a cleaning kit that was hastily thrown together after recognizing the effects of improperly maintained weapons in adverse conditions during the Vietnam War, nearly 50 years ago. To augment this kit a civilian kit was adopted, and in many ways it was a step in the wrong direction. It lacked the steel rods required to remove stuck cases, squib rounds, and other barrel obstructions. It didn’t contain a chamber brush, but it did contain many very small pieces that were easily lost. Both kits came in soft cases that would inevitably crush the container of lubricant, spilling it all over the troop’s gear and uniforms. This may not seem like a big deal, but then you probably never slept in a sleeping bag covered in oil not knowing when your next shower was going to be. This is why our kits are in a crush proof case. MS Clean is shaped like a magazine (yet will not fit into a magazine well) so it can store steel rods and can be easily carried in readily available extra magazine pouches that can be placed in areas as to eliminate confusion with actual magazines, such as on the back or on a pack. The more our military and law enforcement friends loved our idea, the more internet commandos hated it. This phenomenon motivated us to become even more passionate about MS Clean, because it helped us to realize that the needs of the military were not always clearly understood by those who have not served. So we set out to produce the first cleaning system designed from the beginning, specifically for America’s rifle, with the driving force in our design being the people on the front lines using it. The same attributes that will make MS Clean ideal for military use will also benefit law enforcement, hunters, competition shooters and the occasional trip to the range. However, our goal is to put the best AR style rifle cleaning kit in the hands of our service men and women… or go broke trying.